Roma Youth Initiative: Youth for Change

Deadline: 29 March 2013
Open to: Interested organizations such as Roma and Sinti youth and student organizations, Roma and non-Roma organizations from the OSCE region with involvement in Roma youth development activities
Grant: EUR 10,000


The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is issuing a call for proposals to identify local implementing partners for the realization of its project, Roma Youth Initiative “Youth for change” – promoting Roma youth grassroots engagement in Roma communities. The project is being implemented under ODIHR’s mandate to support the“capacity-building projects for Roma and Sinti organizations and the empowerment of Roma communities” as provided in the Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti in the OSCE Area and in Ministerial Council Decision 6/08 adopted in Helsinki. The Roma Youth Initiative aims at strengthening the capacities of Roma youth organizations, encouraging volunteering and grassroots engagement as well as promoting Roma youth and women role models in Roma communities. The Roma Youth initiative is one of the priorities of the OSCE Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues as it marks the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Action Plan.


Interested organizations such as Roma and Sinti youth and student organizations, Roma and non-Roma organizations from the OSCE region with a proven record of involvement in Roma youth development activities, should send their applications in English.

The selection of the implementing partner organization will be based on the following criteria:

  • The organization’s administrative capacity;
  • Previous experience in the area of reference;
  • The added value and innovative approach of the proposal;
  • Relevance of activities within the broader aim of the initiative to promote Roma youth grassroots engagement in Roma and Sinti communities;


Project proposals should not exceed EUR 10,000.

Gender mainstreaming

In line with the 2003 OSCE Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area, the proposed activities/projects must be gender-sensitive. The needs, knowledge and experience of both women and men should be included in all stages of OSCE activities, from planning to evaluation.

Submitted Proposals should broadly include the following:

  • Promoting educated youth grassroots engagement and volunteering in communities;
  • Organizing camps by Roma youth in disadvantaged Roma and Sinti communities;
  • Innovative cultural activities and information campaigns by Roma and Sinti youth groups promoting active citizenship and participation in communities and among Romani youth and women;
  • Role models for and among younger peers (for example, mentoring children enrolled in pre-school, primary and secondary education);
  • Providing assistance to community members in accessing local services (education, health, population registration etc.);
  • Promoting civic engagement and community organizing;
  • Activities extending to environmentalism, urban/rural community renewal;
  • Activities promoting higher education among Roma and Sinti youth;
  • Activities that enhance the recruitment of membership of national youth networks and the setting up of formal and informal Roma and Sinti youth groups in universities;
  • Activities that promote Roma and Sinti identity and the remembrance of the genocide against Roma.


Projects proposals should be received no later than 18:00 CET, 29 March 2013. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.

Interested organizations such as Roma and Sinti youth and student organizations, Roma and non-Roma organizations from the OSCE region with a proven record of involvement in Roma youth development activities, should send their applications in English, via email with the subject line “Roma Youth Initiative”, to this address: 

Enquiries concerning the call for proposals should also be sent to this address.

Note: OSCE ODHIR will accept only one application per organization.

The following documentation must be included in the application package (please use the project proposal template under the links to the right):

  • a short project outline of approximately six pages outlining the background, project objectives and activities, and information on how the organization intends to implement each phase of the project and how/if the project implementation would involve building alliances or partnerships;
  • a proposed timeline for the project implementation;
  • a proposed budget;
  • a list of (selected) relevant projects or other activities carried out by the organization in the last 3 years, including information on donors who financed them; for one project/activity, the list should include a short description (one paragraph) as well as the email address and/or telephone contact details for one person outside the applicant’s organization (for example, in a donor or partner organization) who could be contacted by ODIHR to provide additional information about the project;
  • the curriculum vitae of key staff members who would be responsible for managing and implementing the project;
  • the registered address of the organization;
  • a declaration confirming that the organization is legally constituted;
  • a declaration confirming that the organization has a legally registered bank account.

The Selection Board of ODIHR expects to communicate its decision to all applicant organizations by 15 April 2013. Accepted proposals are expected to be implemented between May and October 2013.

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