Role of Youth Work for the Inclusion and Participation of Young Refugees

Deadline: 10 August 2017
Open to: youth workers, young refugees
Venue: 2-4 October 2017, Strasbourg


The EU-CoE youth partnership is looking for participants for a workshop on the role of youth work in the inclusion and participation of young refugees at local level, which will be organised in Strasbourg from 2 to 4 October and will bring together 25 practitioners, policy makers, researchers and young refugees.

Realities of young refugees in Europe and the current political debates and approaches have made it important to develop several types of activities at European level with the aim of supporting the inclusion of young refugees, reaffirming theirs rights and recognising the good practices on the local level. Starting in 2016, the Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe has developed initiatives related to the role of youth work for the inclusion of young refugees. Several activities were organised: a symposium, a process of gathering knowledge on the situation and integration of young refugees, and an expert seminar “Journeys to a New Life” on the role of youth work in integration of young refugees in Europe.

In 2017, the European Commission and Council of Europe partnership in the field of youth is developing a research-based publication, regarding the key challenges of young refugees and the role of the youth sector (youth policy, youth research, youth work) in supporting their inclusion in society. Secondly, an initiative follows up on the Journey to a New Life seminar, collecting good practice initiatives of youth work supporting young refugee integration.

Finally, the EU-CoE youth partnership is currently planning a workshop in Strasbourg, based on local practices by the youth sector of inclusion of young refugees, to be held on 2 – 4 October 2017. A second workshop is foreseen for December 2017, in Greece.

The main aim of the workshops is to create a space for learning about approaches that youth work and youth policy use for supporting the inclusion and participation of young refugees.

During each workshop, the group of participants will:

  • Identify challenges related to youth work with young refugees and ways to address these challenges, particularly on the following themes: intercultural dialogue and learning, access to social rights, involving young women, participation in local life, autonomy;
  • Analyse a local practice of youth work and/or youth policies supporting the inclusion and participation of young refugees;
  • Have the space to exchange views with young refugees and with other youth sector’s practitioners and network;
  • Identify support measures needed for youth work with young refugees.

The workshop will enhance the creation of knowledge about practical approaches youth work can adopt in supporting the inclusion and participation of young refugees. A handbook will be produced on the basis of the workshop outcomes.


The workshops should bring together 25 participants. Participants need to be:

  • Involved in different roles in youth work practice with young refugees, either as young people (unaccompanied minors, young refugees), or youth workers, or managers of youth work structures, or policy makers supporting youth work programmes, or youth researchers;
  • Motivated to share and learn from practice and to contribute with their know-how to the programme of the workshop;
  • Able to express themselves in English or French;
  • Residing in one of the countries signatories to the European Cultural Convention.


The programme of the workshop includes sessions on:

  • Learning and sharing youth work related challenges and approaches, based on practice;
  • Learning more about opportunities for supporting youth work with young refugees;
  • Networking with youth work partners from other contexts;
  • Analysing existing local practices through the lens of how they support young refugees’ inclusion and participation;
  • All the costs related to participation in the workshop (travel and visa costs, meals and accommodation) will be covered by the EU-CoE youth partnership, according to the rules in place;
  • Only participants who attend the entire workshop will be reimbursed.

The programme will be based on the analysis of local youth work practices with young refugees from Strasbourg (France) and Ortenaukreis (Germany) and the practices shared by participants from other countries.

How to apply?

Interested structures or candidates can apply using the application form at the end of this call. Group applications, i.e. a group may include one or two young refugees, a youth worker and a youth work structure manager or a policy maker, are welcome. Use one application sheet per each candidate, indicating the link to the other candidates.

For questions, additional information request and for submitting the application, please write to

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