Best Commonwealth Band/Artist/Video

Open to: all age groups and citizens of Commonwealth countries
Deadline: 01/06/2010

There is a whole world of diversity in the Commonwealth. Spanning 54 countries and over 2 billion people (a third of the Earth’s population), the association is rich with cultures and traditions. But it also benefits from a wealth of individual talent.

Whoever you are – whether you are a young person, performer or professional – express your opinion and upload a Youtube video to the competition. The most original, inspiring or entertaining video will earn the Best Commonwealth Video title and win a trip for International Youth Day and a netbook computer or iPod Touch.

The singer, musician, dancer or band responsible for the best musical video will be crowned Best Commonwealth Band/Artist and win a trip for International Youth Day and £200 worth of Amazon vouchers.

Entrants might:
* Highlight an issue (peace, climate change, democracy, human rights, education, health, youth issues or anything else),
* Talk about themselves, their hobbies, friends, family, home country or local community, or
* Dance or perform a song.

The competition is open to all age groups and citizens of Commonwealth countries.
For more specific information read the rules of the competition.

Submission procedure
The video to competition need to be uploaded through a online account. For more specific information click here. The submission deadline is 1st June 2010.

More detailed info

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