Small Grants for Purchase of Nature

Deadline: 1 May 2013
Open to: NGOs from Asia , Latin America and Africa with a proven track-record in conservation and management of natural resources
Grant: maximum financial assistance provided by the SPN is €85.000


In 2001 IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands started a new funding facility, the Small Grants Programme for the Purchase of Nature (SPN). Financially supported by the Dutch Postcode Lottery (NPL), the programme aims to contribute to conservation of biodiversity by supporting the (strategic) purchase of threatened natural areas. The acquired ownership – or management rights will be transferred to local nature conservation NGOs. Strategic purchase can mean securing a corridor between two protected areas in order to safeguard migration routes and the exchange of genetic material. It may also mean securing an area to form a buffer against encroaching agricultural or tourism developments.

IUCN NL Small grants for the Purchase of Nature (SPN) enables local partners to take direct action and save nature. SPN provides funds for the purchase and protection of threatened wildlife habitats and vulnerable ecosystems.  Over 22.000 hectares are secured all over the world.

The general objective of a proposed project must follow the main goal of SPN as stated above. In addition, all projects should also show that they will not adversely affect the position of the various local stakeholders and seek to harmonise with their needs, views, expertise and experience.


The following administrative criteria determine the eligibility of a proposal.

1. Recipients: Proposals can be submitted by local NGOs from Asia , Latin America and Africa with:

  • a proven capacity to implement land purchase projects;
  •  experience and capacity concerning the management of a conservation area (previous experience with this type of projects should be indicated;
  • experience and sufficient capacity in the field of project management, and financial management and control (i.e. accountability of the organisation, capacity in terms of project and financial management, transparent management procedures, qualification and/or experience of personnel, etc.).

2. Format for (pre-)proposal. All NGOs must submit a pre-proposal first. The SPN will invite NGOs to submit a full proposal after a positive assessment of the preproposal. Formats for (pre-) proposals can be downloaded on the website or can be sent on request. Only (pre-) proposals prepared according to the provided format will be considered.

3. Maximum amount of the grant. The maximum financial assistance provided by the SPN is euro 85.000. There is no minimum. Co-funding of purchase projects is only possible when the IUCN NL grant is clearly visible and constitutes a substantial part of the overall budget, or when the IUCN NL grant can trigger other donors to contribute.

4. Local expertise and legal advises. SPN will give the highest priority to the use of available local expertise and legal advisors.

5. Land and use rights of local people. The project should not have negative impacts on the rights of indigenous peoples or disadvantaged groups in the area. The project should take into account local participation in conservation and management of the area to be purchased.

The SPN cannot grant financial assistance to:

  • Governmental institutions
  • Commercial (for profit) organisations
  • Foreign (expatriate) consultants (priority must be given to local consultants).


The maximum financial assistance provided by the SPN is euro 85.000. There is no minimum. Co-funding of purchase projects is only possible when the IUCN NL grant is clearly visible and constitutes a substantial part of the overall budget, or when the IUCN NL grant can trigger other donors to contribute.

Funding priorities

High funding priority will be given to:

  • Land purchase in or adjacent to areas with a high biodiversity value, like, AZE -sites, IBAs or Ramsar sites;
  • Areas with ecosystems hosting species listed CR or EN on the IUCN Red List. High priority will be given to ecosystems hosting threatened amphibians;
  • Land purchase involving ecosystems under-represented in the public protected areas system;
  • Areas with a strategic importance for the protection of the hinterland (buffer zones) or connect important areas (corridors).

Besides the actual purchase of land, the SPN funds can also be used for initial investments to secure the sustainability and conservation impact of the purchase (fencing, signboards, guard’s salary and accommodation, etc). Please note that costs for these investments can only take up a small part of the budget.


The deadline to submit pre-proposals is 1 May 2013.

More information about the criteria can be found hereFormats for pre-proposals can be downloaded here.

Contact Person SPN-Programme
Marc Hoogeslag MSc
Tel: 0031 20 3018 264

The Official Webpage

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