Call for the “Youth Reconciliation Ambassadors” Program in Serbia

Deadline: 2 November 2014
Open to: university students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia
Venue: 7-12 December 2014 in Belgrade, Serbia


YOUTH EDUCATION COMMITTEE is a non-governmental organisation seated in Belgrade. It aims at compensating for the critical gaps made within the system of formal education: this system contributes to the authoritarian society and obstructs development of critical thinking. Youth Reconciliation Ambassadors is very intensive programme which includes five-day study visit, discussion groups, media appearances and essay writing. The idea of this programme is to encourage multi-perspective discussions on topics relevant to the future of the entire area of former Yugoslavia. They strongly believe in the exchange of experiences between young people from neighbouring countries, which are all at different stages of transition, could help form new ideas and overcome conflicts from the past.


You are eligible to apply if you:

  • Your age is between 18-30;
  • University student, enrolled in the undergraduate, master or PhD studies or, you are young professional working within public sector or, youth from political party or NGO dealing with Human Rights, EU Integration or Reconciliation;
  • Be motivated and committed to contribute to the theme of the activity and its outcomes;
  • Be able to work in the official working language – English;
  • Be available for the whole duration of the activity;
  • Are citizen/resident of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia or Serbia.


Selected participants will be granted a scholarship, based on the essay proposal and activity plan, to cover the expenses of the programme, accommodation, food and public transportation. Travel costs to and from Belgrade will be reimbursed according to the YEC’s internal policy. Participation fee is 20 euros and should be paid only by selected participants on the arrival day in local currency.


To apply for the “Youth Reconciliation Ambassadors” program in Serbia you need to send a completed application form to:

For additional information please download the official call

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