The Catalytic Fund Stimulates Change in Cities

Deadline: 8 May 2015, midnight
Open to: local, national and international NGOs
Grants: 10-12 proposals will be granted with a sum varying from USD 50,000 to USD 200,000


The Catalytic Fund is a Cities Alliance funding instrument which provides grant support for innovative projects that strengthen and promote the role of cities in poverty reduction and in sustainable urban development. Proposals should promote innovation and catalytic impact in support of the strategic goal of the Catalytic Fund, which is to stimulate transformational change in cities. Innovation is measured in the development of concepts, products and processes which are either new in absolute terms or a novelty in their application and adaptation to a different context. Innovation should also be able to create societal value and trigger longer-term impacts. Proposals are requested on one or more of the following four focus areas. They can focus on international and/or internal migration, but all proposals should demonstrate clear attention to the issue of gender equality.  Additionally, proposals could also address the special needs, capacities and potential of the most vulnerable migrant groups (such as children). Topics can include:

  • Live:  Migrants’ access to basic urban services, livelihoods and social protection;
  • Work:  The access, integration and role of migrants in the city labour market and local economy;
  • Connect:  Social integration and inclusion of migrants in the city;
  • Participate:  Migrants’ inclusion into city planning and local decision-making processes.


Proposed projects must:

  • Meet the objectives of the chosen theme and the Catalytic Fund in general. It must also fall within the scope of the Cities Alliance Charter;
  • Limit grant size requests to between US $50,000 – US $200,000;
  • Provide co-financing.  Cities Alliance will cover up to 80 per cent of the total cash requirements for the project. The remaining balance must be contributed in cash by the recipient organisation, the sponsoring organisation and/or other partners and sources. If a concept note is approved for further processing, applicants must provide proof of co-financing;
  • Be sponsored by at least one Cities Alliance member. However, multiple sponsors are strongly encouraged. Sponsorship(s) must be secured prior to submission of the proposed project. Proponent and sponsor(s) must discuss and endorse the Concept Note of the proposed project including the role of the sponsor(s) prior to submission. Support documentation will need to be provided.


The total Call budget is USD 2 million. We expect to award 10-12 proposals. The grant request to Cities Alliance must be limited to between USD 50,000 and USD 200,000. The Cities Alliance will cover up to 80 per cent of the total cash requirements for the project. The remaining balance must be contributed in cash by the recipient organisation, the sponsoring organisation and/or other partners and sources. If this concept note is approved, proof of the co-financing will need to be provided.


All applications must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • All submissions must use the Cities Alliance concept note template;
  • Concept Notes can be in English, French or Spanish;
  •  Concept Notes must provide all of the information and support documentation requested;
  • Concept Notes should be submitted via e-mail only to the Cities Alliance Secretariat at by the 8 May, 2015.

For more information about the application process and requirements, please visit the official webpage.

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