World Bank Online Course on Financing for Development

Deadline: 16 November 2015
Open to: everybody interested in the topic of financing for development
Venue: online/ Coursera platform


Participants will hear from prominent government and international organization officials and leaders from the private sector who have considerable first-hand experience in preparing and implementing development plans at the international and country level, and in forging public-private collaborations in development projects. They will hear directly about challenges and successes in mobilizing billions to generate the trillions and taking actions needed to meet the evolving global development agenda. The course includes video presentations, core reading materials and links to further videos, additional readings and, for those with the time and inclination to delve more deeply into the topic, quizzes, discussion boards, two Google Hangouts, and Twitter chats, and other interactive features that encourage active learning with opportunities to discuss course topics with other course participants and development practitioners.

What will you learn?

This course will familiarize participants with the approaches currently under discussion among global leaders on financing the new development agenda. It includes terminology, key concepts, the main sources of development finance: public, private and commercial, and multilateral-and the need for increased use of innovative financing solutions to mobilize and leverage domestic and official development resources alongside private resources.


You can enroll for the course for free. After completion of this course you will be also able to receive a Coursera Certificate. Course requirements include gaining a cumulative 45 of 60 points in the relevant assignments for the General Awareness Track. You will receive a Certificate if you score 65 or higher out of 85 points for the Development Specialist Track. These assignments will take around three-five hours per week to complete for the General Awareness Track , about 2-3 hours longer for the Development Specialist Track.

How to enroll?

Participants can participate in one of two tracks: General Awareness and Development Specialist, but can move from the General Awareness to the Development Specialist Track at any time during the course.

You can enroll for free at platform Coursera here.

3 thoughts on “World Bank Online Course on Financing for Development

  1. I wish to participate on the Financing for Development course. This course will serve as a guide to familiarize with financing development agenda, and contribute meaningfully to build a better world for present and future generation.

  2. this course will develop me as personally and the world in large as we know this days everything is dealing with financially agent everywhere even in Church,Mosk or any worship. thanks for your support

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