UN Environment Programme Champions of the Earth Award 2023

Deadline: 14 April 2023
Open to: individuals, groups, and organisations whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment   from all over the world


From grassroots champions and corporate leaders to political pioneers, the UN Environment Programme celebrates champions taking bold action for our world.

Every year, we celebrate individuals, groups and institutions. They are transforming our economies, shaping new and sustainable technology and leading political change. They fight environmental injustice, protect our environment and defend our natural resources.

The Champions of the Earth award is the UN’s highest environmental honour. Since 2005, we have recognized heroes who inspire, encourage others to join them, and defend a better, more sustainable future.

Champions of the Earth are celebrated in four categories:

  • Policy leadership – individuals or organizations in the public sector leading global or national action for the environment. They shape dialogue, lead commitments and act for the good of the planet.
  • Inspiration and action – individuals or organizations taking bold steps to inspire positive change to protect our world. They lead by example, challenge behavior and inspire millions.
  • Entrepreneurial vision – individuals or organizations challenging the status quo to build a cleaner future. They build systems, create new technology and spearhead a groundbreaking vision.
  • Science and innovation– individuals or organizations who push the boundaries of technology for profound environmental benefit. They invent possibilities for a more sustainable world.

The  Champions of the Earth has recognized 106 laureates, ranging from world leaders to technology inventors. They include 26 world leaders, 64 individuals and 16 groups or organizations.

These trailblazers are making a difference to protect our planet for the next generation.

The world needs champions such as these more than ever, as we race to decisively cut carbon emissions before the worst effects of global warming and environmental destruction become inevitable.


Individuals, groups, and organisations whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment  from all over the world.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Champions are selected from nominations received from across the world and are open to everyone. The criteria for selection are:

  • Impact – Have the nominee’s actions resulted in profound environmental gains or demonstrated significant potential for replication and scaling?
  • Novelty – Has the nominee done or achieved something new and innovative?
  • Power of the story – How compelling and inspiring is the nominee’s story?

How to apply?

Nominations are done through the official website.

For more information please visit the official website.