Travel Video Contest 2012

Deadline: 31th October 2012
Open to: Individuals who are 18+ and already enrolled or planning to enroll in college or university outside of their home country
Prize: $4,000


To enter the competition, you need to create a short movie (no longer than 5 minutes in length) telling why you want to study or travel abroad. If you are already studying abroad, the movie can be about any trip you would like to take. This is seventh year of the contest in a row, and the Grand Prize will be $4,000! There will also be some great runner-up prizes.

Rules and regulation

  1. The maximum length for your video is 5 minutes. There is no minimum length.
  2. In addition to their video, each applicant must also submit signed entry form. The entry form and more information on the submission process is available HERE.
  3. The deadline for applications is 5:00 PM, EST on Wednesday, 31 October 2012.
  4. You must be 18 or older and already enrolled or planning to enroll in college or university outside of your home country.
  5. If you are currently studying outside of your home country, your video can describe any trip you would like to take. If you are not currently studying outside of your home country, your entry must describe your proposed study abroad.
  6. The winner will book all his or her own flights and other travel arrangements.
  7. The winner for the Travel Video Contest will be announced on our website the week of November 12-16, International Education Week. The winners will also be notified by email and telephone.
  8. The winner will be expected to maintain a blog documenting the trip. This blog will start immediately after the winner is announced, and will continue through the trip until return to school. Contributions are expected at least once a week during the preparation for the trip and daily during the trip.
  9. Your video entry and the blog will be the property of this organization.
  10. Originality and interest level in the trip, and creativity and quality of the video, are the main criteria.

 How to enter

After you have completed your video, complete the entry form and mail, email or fax it at the contact information below. It must be received by 5:00 PM, EST on Wednesday, 31 October 2012.
Videos can be delivered in several ways:
– By uploading to the server (best way)
– By uploading to YouTube, Vimeo or another online video service. You will need to email us the link.
– By mailing us a mini DV or DVD to the address:, 2012 Travel Video Contest, 224 First Street
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
More informations can be found HERE.

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